Digital Output and Input

Digital Output and Input

What’s the importance of digital output? When people want to operate programmable logic controller (PLC) system, they need to make a lot of decisions. Not only they need to decide which program language they need to do and have or what kinds of machines they need to use, they also need to decide whether they’re going to use the regular analog input or the digital input resulting in digital output. When they choose the digital method, they have to realize that once they’ve decided on having the digital ways, the outcome should be in digital formats too. So, there’s no ways of expecting digital output when they’re using the analog input.

Digital Output: the Relation with Digital Input
The digital output is obviously the end result of any digital input programming. This digital method is basically using a yes or no procedures, with no exceptions. It’s using the binary codes that will activate and trigger the ON and OFF switch. Since the application and the overall program are about yes or no or about true or false, any other things will be considered not valid. So how is everything done, actually? Well, in PLC system, data sent and received will be processed in order to reach the required result. For instance, when a digital sensor is activated, it will give out signals when it senses an object within its position range. It will not tell how close the object is or how is the condition of the object. The digital input devices cover limit switch, photoelectric sensor, and push buttons; while the out devices usually include solenoid valves, relays, contactor, and motor starter. That’s the basic principle of how the digital output is achieved.

Digital Output: What Determines It?
However, in order to reach the required digital output – in terms it’s suitable with the one users want – they need to choose the right program language and also the right input. When the PLC computer or machine is receiving the digital input, it needs to work together with the right users’ interface, which is usually in the form of logic or program language. The interface will act as the ‘middle man’ that interpret the device address coming from the processors. Without the right interpretation, the final result won’t be achieved. That’s why when PLC users want to make sure that the outcome is just right, they need to check everything. They need to check the digital input, the logic, and design the digital output they need.

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